Part 2: Catholic Prophecy Industrial Complex

“When prophecy shall fail, the people shall be scattered abroad: but he that keepeth the law is blessed.” –Proverbs 29:18 You can never go wrong, meditating upon and following God’s law, even amid a chaotic era where false prophets outnumber the bona fide ones. This is true of visionaries, seers, teachers, political figures, and certainlyContinue reading “Part 2: Catholic Prophecy Industrial Complex”

8 Ways Modernism Apes Catholicism

Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies, where its agents seek to uproot and revolutionize essentially everything the Church teaches. Although this should shock nobody, it leads to a loss of faith, fewer vocations, poor faith formation, and other tragic consequences. The good news is that the “ape” of the Church, is not the Church herself.

Do You Fear The ‘Doctrine of the Fewness of the Saved’?

You should fear this doctrine because healthy attrition, which ordinarily precedes contrition, offers a great opportunity to vacate sin and love God.  WARNING: This is a Church teaching you will not hear from your priest during his Mass homily or during any catechism class (child or adult). The modern Church, managed by gay dudes andContinue reading “Do You Fear The ‘Doctrine of the Fewness of the Saved’?”

Depravity of the Baby Formula Shortage

So, I think we can draw one of either two conclusions about the baby formula shortage. 1) It’s part of the radical depopulation agenda, or 2) We apparently need to starve people (including infants) to address more pressing concerns regarding Russia. Of course, I would like not to have to surmise such grim conclusions aboutContinue reading “Depravity of the Baby Formula Shortage”